Title: Field Services Technician, this is going to be a traveling role and logistics at the button about the travel. This is going to be 60 percent travel, looking for someone that has great communication skills.
Duration: 6-month contract to hire
Pay Rate: $30-$33 per hour
- Experience with Field Service work
- Networking, ATMs, POS systems etc
- Experience with basic Networking and ethernet cables
- Experience with Fiber Optic Network
- Strong communication skills/personable
- CCNT or Cisco cert
- Railway experience
- Insight Global is seeking a Services Technician out of the Chicago, Illinois and Selkirk, New York area to support their railway client in a 60% travelling role. This person will be mostly commuting around the Chicago or Selkirk area onto railway sites in order to support their client from a networking and cabling perspective. This person may be travelling outside of their region as well dependent on need. The ideal candidate will have a background with Networking, routers and switches, Cabling and Fiber optics. You will be on site testing these types of technologies, troubleshooting, and resolving any sort of issues identified. When you are home between trips, you will be following up on your last project, closing out cases, and preparing for your next trip ensuring all equipment is prepared and ready. This position is looking to start ASAP.